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10 TIPS for Fat Loss!

Writer's picture: Maxwell OnyenweMaxwell Onyenwe

1. Caloric Deficit

The biggest component to Fat Loss is Nutrition. For weight loss, maintaining a 100-200kcal deficit is the first step. To do this, we must find your unique Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Your calculated BMR will tell you how many calories your body burns while at rest. This number is crucial in developing a sustainable diet. You can find your BMR by using a Renpho Smart Scale or Click Here. Your metabolic rate is unique and influenced by age, weight, height, gender, and muscle mass.

2. Be Mindful of Macros (Sugar, Carbs, Fats, and Protein)

Think of your body like a High Performance Engine. Each Macronutrient ingested will be your fuel.

  • Sugar is the easiest macronutrient for your body to convert to energy. Be mindful to not ingest an excessive amount of sugar before being sedentary. Unfortunately, the body stores sugar that isn't burned by converting it to fat.

  • Carbohydrates are the second-most accessible macronutrient for energy. Similarly, if these calories aren't used for activity, they can be stored as fat. Vegetables are a healthy source, and Fiber is a type of carbohydrates that passes through the body undigested. Seek out foods high in fiber! (Ex. Sweet potatoes, quinoa, oatmeal, nuts)

  • Protein, your new best friend, is used to maintain and build muscle fiber. Consuming meals high in protein help to curb appetite. (Ex. Rotisserie Chicken, Fish, Eggs, Lean Red Meat, Peanut butter, Beans)

  • Fats are the most difficult macronutrient for your body to convert into energy. To do this, sugar and carbohydrates must first be exhausted, and the heart rate elevated by "steady-state cardio." There are several health benefits with burning fat as an energy source. This can also be done through Intermittent Fasting.

3. S.A.I.D.

This acronym stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. This is the framework for ALL physical training, and the good news is, it applies to everyone.

Our bodies adapt to repetitive motion. Bodybuilding and muscle toning rely on this principle. To start, you must first identify and visualize the goal you have in mind.

The next phase is Movement. For example, frequent skaters develop leg strength and adapt to the demands of skating. The same can be done with functional movements and building muscle.

4. Resistance Training - Supercompensation

Above: Graph depicting an Individual's fitness level over time. The journey begins at base level before training.

Supercompensation is when muscles begins to Adapt to their training demand.

Your body burns more calories as it works to rebuild muscle fiber with Protein.

  • Each Column signifies a Day

  • After training a specific muscle group, that muscle group needs time to recover. (Typically 24hrs)

*NOTE: Supercompensation begins 48hrs-72hrs after the initial muscle group was targeted*

**Exercising every 5 days will not generate results.**

5.Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is my preferred method of calorie restriction/dieting. For Fat Loss, I recommend The 16/8 method (Leangains Protocol). This involves skipping breakfast, and maintaining an eating window from 1-9pm. To follow this method, focus on a 16hr fast and an 8hr eating window, and try not to eat at least 3hrs before sleeping.

Fasting is a great way to encourage the body to burn stored fat. Most restorative benefits come from fasting 16hrs or more. Working out while fasting converts stored fat into energy.

Key Pillars of Fasting:

  • No food in First hour after waking up, and 2-3hrs prior to bedtime

  • It's best to place your feeding window early in the day (Noon to 6pm eating window)

  • Very large meals take longer to digest. While you're digesting food, You're not fasting!

  • Take 7-10 days to slowly adjust your eating windows by 1hr each day

6. N.E.A.T. (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)

If someone is bouncing around and fidgets a lot, they can burn anywhere from 800-2000kcal per day. This can drastically Increase TDE (Total Daily Expenditure). Subtle, small, low level movements trigger fat mobilization. Fidgeting, standing, pacing, and shivering are all capable of increasing caloric burn.

7. Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is a strategy that can drastically improve your results. This is done by identify an existing habit, and then adding a new behavior to it. Each of these 9 habits can be incorporated into a new lifestyle. When targeting fat loss,

  • Maintaining a caloric deficit can be enhanced with Intermittent fasting.

  • In terms of nutrition, avoid sugar at all costs. Start reading the nutrition label of liquid calories.

  • Weight Training sculpts the physique and burns more calories than cardio.*(Supercompensation)

  • Consider your nutrition as Fuel. Your body will store unused fuel as fat, so No Food right before bed.

  • Utilize N.E.A.T. everyday to help burn additional calories. (stand, dance, walk)

8. Deep Breathing

Most people breathe with their neck and intercostal muscles, and don't breathe from their diaphragm. This keeps our nervous system in "Fight or Flight Mode" and makes it difficult to lose weight.

Deep breathing with the diaphragm allows us to enter "Rest & Digest Mode." This allows our metabolism to operate properly, and can be learned with a technique called "Crocodile Breathing." First, lay flat on your stomach and rest your forehead on top of your hands. Next, breathe into your belly and feel your lower back rise off the floor.

*Bonus: Try deep breathing while stretching. This can increase muscles awareness and increase blood flow in trouble areas like the waistline

9. Stress Reduction

Insulin and Cortisol are two hormones that play an important role in weight management. Cortisol is a stress activated hormone.

  • Insulin stores excess Glucose as Fat.

  • Cortisol Increases Blood Sugar and mobilizes stored Glucose.

  • Long-term chronic stress INCREASES cortisol which INCREASES insulin

  • Fat Burning Decreases when Cortisol increases because Blood sugar is converted to Fat.

*Tip: Try to cut out all bad vibes, and connect with like-minded individuals like The Concrete Core Tribe!

10. Sleep/Recovery

Sleep is the final piece of the puzzle and can be paired with intermittent fasting and exercise to optimize results. Your body burns fat while its sleeping and repairing muscle fibers.

If your goal is fat loss, you shouldn't drink protein shakes immediately after an evening workout, and especially before going to bed.

Instead, eat protein earlier in the day, and allow your body to fast as you sleep. Avoid snacking within 3hrs before bed and sleep a minimum of 7 hours daily.

*Tip: any small snack, especially carbohydrates, before bed will CANCEL your fast


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